Join KASSW Today

Why join KASSW?
KASSW is your professional organization. We provide advocacy at the state and national level to support the work you are doing. Our goal is for every school to have a school social worker! In order to do so, we have partnered with SSWAA and Boyd Consulting to regularly meet with our state legislators to prioritize school social work and the needs of our children. In addition to the legislative work, being a member provides you with a processional community for the OPGES Domain 4D. We hold a yearly conference to develop and enhance professional skills, with CEU’s available. KASSW provides you with a membership directory to allow you to network with other school social workers in your area and across the state.
Each year KASSW presents the School Social Worker of the Year Award, which includes $400 to attend the Midwest School Social Work Conference. Additionally, we recognize community supports with the Friend of School Social Work Award. KASSW also offers two $200 grants per year for programming, trainings, and/or professional work.