What We Do
Our Mission
To promote the effective use of school social work services for students and their families throughout the state.
Organizational Goals
To promote school social work practitioners’ growth and professional development.
To ensure that the highest standards of professional school social work practices are upheld.
To promote communication within the profession with the members of the association.
To maintain liaison relationships with other educational disciplines, and private and public organizations interested in the welfare of students.
To advocate for the specialized field of school social work through public awareness.
To stimulate the development and effective delivery of School Social Work Services.
Membership Benefits
Each year KASSW presents the School Social Worker of the Year Award, which includes $400 to attend the Midwest School Social Work Conference. Additionally, we recognize community support with the Friend of School Social Work Award and the Legislator of the Year. KASSW also offers two $200 grants per year for programming, training, and/or professional work.
Your professional membership includes the Basic Membership Level with SSWAA and includes professional liability insurance (when you join in September).
**For those who attend KASSW’s annual conference at the professional level registration, membership dues are included in the price. Otherwise, membership does not include conference attendance**